Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Picking up where we left off

It's been more than five years since the Radical Readout Press presented a new edition to the world. Our previous title, Steven Zultanski's chapbook Homoem, was published in 2005 to some acclaim, but whereas Zultanski has been not only busy but prolific in the intervening years, we at the RRP have been merely busy. Busy planning and plotting? Most certainly. But busy producing? No, and that was a problem, the only one that mattered. In the time that it took Steve to have published at least three additional chapbooks, USA = Nazi (with Brad Flis), This and That Lenin, and Copkisser (none of which he has sent me, and perhaps there are others), to produce and edit two numbers of his poetry journal, President's Choice (Thanks, Steve, I have those two), to move to Buffalo in pursuit of his PhD, and then, having attained that goal, to move on with his terminal degree to the New York, the terminal city, the Radical Readout Press had done one thing, but it was an important one: dream. We dreamt of the time when our next project, Chris Weisman's Nonmusical Patterns and their Musical Uses would get off the shelf and assemble itself in the dead of night. That never happened, but one day in late 2010 the book was a reality and so, once again, was the Radical Readout Press. We thank you for your patience and in advance for your continued interest.

Cheers to Steve Zultanski: he has been a useful stick by which to measure our shortcomings. In tribute and gratitude, a reading from the past recorded here at the Radical Redoubt in August 2006, ladies and gentlemen, Steven Zultanski.

5 tracks, press forward or back for next selection

recording thanks: Matthew Goulet

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